Tested: July 2014 Passed Testing: Yes Rating: 5 Star
Test Protocol: CPS-001-014.01 Test Evidence: Video; Located below
Manufacturer Website: Sleepypod.com
Sleepypod Sport XL Harness Rated to 90 lbs.
Tested: April 2015 Passed Testing: Yes Rating: 5 Star
Test Protocol: CPS-001-014.01 Test Evidence: Video; Located below
Note: CPS has inspected the Medium, Large and XL Sleepypod Clickit Sport Harnesses to ensure they are constructed of the identical materials, stitching and hardware. Dogs up to 90 lbs. that require the size M or L harness, will be offered the same protection offered by the XL harness (rated to 90 lbs.).
Sleepypod Clickit Sport: Small (Rated to 25 lbs.)
Sleepypod Clickit Sport: Medium (Rated from 45 lbs to 90 lbs.)
Sleepypod Clickit Sport: Large (Rated from 75 lbs to 90 lbs.)
Sleepypod Clickit Sport: XL (Rated to 90 lbs.)