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Center for Pet Safety Certified
Our pets are family and their safety matters. With all of the pet products claiming to be “safe”, wouldn’t it be nice to have an independent authority verify pet product marketing claims? Just like the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and Consumer Reports study consumer products – Center for Pet Safety studies pet products. Our goal is to get you the unbiased information you need to select the safest pet products available.
Center for Pet Safety is the ONLY non-profit consumer advocacy organization
working for you to separate pet product marketing fact from fiction.
Unlike products for children, until CPS, safety standards didn’t exist for pet products. With the dedication and financial assistance of our corporate sponsors we are able to build teams of independent experts to study product safety and author pet product standards.
Why demand Center for Pet Safety Certified?
Unlike other “certifications” available to manufacturers – CPS is the only organization that is 100% independent of the pet products industry. CPS does not provide consulting services, testing services or product development services to manufacturers, nor do we accept financial support from manufacturers. You can rest easy knowing that a Center for Pet Safety certified product meets our rigorous, independent testing and performance requirements. And….we publish the test evidence of every certification test on our website so you can evaluate the performance of the product BEFORE YOU BUY!
Why does Center for Pet Safety offer an Independent Certification program – where IIHS and Consumer Reports do not?
Simple. They test “consumer products” and many of those have to meet mandatory safety standards. Pet Products are not classified as consumer products – therefore federal regulations do not exist – and manufacturers are not mandated to test their products.
The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) does not provide oversight of pet products.
They do not classify pet products as “consumer products.”
This product must be safe because it’s “Crash Tested” right?
WRONG. We have documented pet product manufacturers and some retailers use of marketing prowess by claiming that a product has “Passed Crash Testing” or that the product is “Crash Tested”.
- Just because a product is Crash Tested doesn’t mean that it PASSED Crash Testing.
- If a manufacturer crash tests their product – in the case of harnesses and crates – the majority of them only test ONE SIZE.
- Pet products cannot “Pass Crash Testing” if measured against a Federal or European Test Standard for a product developed for humans.
- While manufacturers can easily make claims of testing or crash testing – the grand majority of them do not publish their test evidence.
And one other item to note:
- While many pet product manufacturers claim MGA Research Certified their product – MGA Research is an independent third party testing and research corporation. They DO NOT certify products. (CPS contracted MGA Research Corporation because they were 100% independent from industry and there was no risk of conflict of interest.)