I was sound asleep in my chair. As I started to wake up, I noticed an electrical smell that seemed to come from the television. It had been having problems lately, so I got up, unplugged the TV and went back to my chair only to fall asleep again. The smell seemed to be getting […]
Tag Archives | Cats
Caring for your pets during uncertain times
April 15, 2020 in Disaster Preparedness, Pet Safety
What if…. No one ever wants to think about the “what if’s” when we’re in the midst of a pandemic or emergency. However, now is the time to focus on those things we can control – and that means planning for an emergency. CPS recommends developing plans for those “what if” moments and you suddenly […]
Valentine’s Day Treats
February 12, 2017 in Pet Safety, Pet Tips, Uncategorized
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. We love our pets for so many reasons. We love them for greeting us at the door with a happy tail. For the soft purr that means “I love you”. When they understand when we don’t feel well. And, for simply just being our couch […]