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Archive | Pet Safety

Center for Pet Safety supports ban on Water Beads

Center for Pet Safety has endorsed Esther’s Law (Water Bead Ban). Esther’s Law is named for Esther Jo Bethard, a 10-month-old from North Prairie, Wisconsin who lost her life after she swallowed a stray water bead. These beads swell when they are exposed to moisture. They can then block the digestive tract. While these products […]

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Pet Fire Safety Day

I was sound asleep in my chair.  As I started to wake up, I noticed an electrical smell that seemed to come from the television.  It had been having problems lately, so I got up, unplugged the TV and went back to my chair only to fall asleep again. The smell seemed to be getting […]

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July 4th Safety for Pets

2020 Safety This has certainly been a challenging year. Beyond our normal safety measures for pets, we at Center for Pet Safety encourage pet owners to wear a mask and social distance when you’re out and about. It is also a good year to tone down our celebrations, not only for our safety, but for the […]

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Pet Safety in a time of uncertainty and COVID-19

Storylines like this are typically saved for movies. What we are enduring globally is unprecedented, however, I am encouraged to see the sense of community building online and in our local communities as we stand together to help each other through this.  From helping our neighbors, to helping our local small businesses, it’s important that we […]

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Today is Mother’s Day.  I’m sitting on my couch, writing, on this rainy day with my little Rusty, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and his buddy, Mattie, next to me with Trevor and Spencer across from me.  It is a moment that I need to stop and cherish. Today I purposefully slowed down my world […]

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2018 Wrap Up – Center for Pet Safety

It was a very good year for both Center for Pet Safety and pet owners.  We are working hard to build our mission on your behalf.  Here’s a recap of some of the things we’ve been working on: Our Work Saves Lives:  We recently learned that since CPS kicked off our first study in 2013, […]

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