I was on the edge of my seat.
Sitting in front of the computer, I was getting ready to speak to a pet owner about her dog. The phone rang and after cordial introductions, I listened.
It was her first puppy. She waited a long time to find him. He had the softest fur and soulful brown eyes. He was beautiful. She spoke of the joys of playing ball. The first time he discovered a puddle, a butterfly, and how he loved to roll in the grass. Watching him grow up. They became best friends.
It was a love story.
Then it felt like someone grabbed the wheel and we swerved. Suddenly, she had to say goodbye to her best friend. Tears rolled down my cheek as I listened to her explain what happened. Bad product. Sudden event. Tragic consequences. Vet bills. Things no one wants to think about. Things she never even considered. “I never thought this would happen!” she continued, “How did this happen?!!” She was angry, disillusioned, and so very, very sad.
As pet owners we trust marketing too easily. We’ve been conditioned that way.
Yes, this is a true story, one of many that we have received at Center for Pet Safety. It speaks to the core of our mission. And, every time I listen to a broken-hearted pet owner, I get off of the phone and dry my tears. I have worked so hard to fight for you and your pets – but now, I need your help.
In order to continue our efforts, we need you to support our mission. $1, $3, $5, the cost of the cup of designer coffee – and it’s tax deductible. Because without your support, we could easily be dust in the wind.
Corporate sponsors are possible, but very hard to find. We were blessed in 2013 – but they’re not here anymore.
We continue to seek – hoping to find.
Hoping to get you the answers before you’re on phone with me, and I listen to your story – and dry more tears, sadly knowing it could have been prevented.
Please support the Center for Pet Safety. Donate Today.
Lindsey A. Wolko, Founder
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