Well, it’s been quite a year. On the surface things may seem quiet to those of you who follow us. I can tell you honestly, it’s been a crazy year behind the scenes.
This year we worked to develop and strengthen our relationships with potential new sponsors and build alliances in the consumer interest. It’s not easy to build a non-profit organization, especially one that is working to improve a $70 Billion highly unregulated industry. Lots of meetings, lots of travel. As a fledgling organization we need those alliances to help us expand our work.
Thank you!
To those of you who donate to support our efforts, thank you. Your ongoing support and the support of all pet owners is needed to help make our organization successful. We work for you.
To those who send emails demanding to know why we haven’t tested a specific product – thank you too! You’ve proven our work has touched a nerve and is needed by pet owners. As I tell folks who want us to test a specific product – we’d love to! But, we need your help to raise the money to cover the costs. This work comes with a price tag – and I can’t personally cover the costs associated with all of the testing we need to do – we need pet owners to pitch in. You can sponsor tests – we actually encourage that level of participation. Host a fundraiser! We’d be happy to name you as the sponsor of the test!
2018 is on the horizon and we have some very cool things planned. First, we’re working to establish a Consumer Advisory Board and expand our Board of Directors. Both are big tasks. We have some other things happening behind the scenes that I can’t make public yet, but know that you’ll likely be seeing and hearing more from us in the coming year.
CPS Innovator Award
This year we announced our first award recipient – Michael Leung of Sleepypod. His dedication to safety embodies our mission and we applaud his continued efforts to improve his product line by adding innovative technologies and for the work he’s completed on the Sleepypod Test Dog. His brand holds more CPS Certifications and Top Performer Awards than any other pet product brand on the market today. Congratulations Michael!
Our Certification program is growing.
This year alone we have counseled over 35 brands and product inventors around the globe. We’ve conducted certification testing – some pass, some fail. That’s why we guide you to the CPS Certified list – these are the products that have passed our testing. If it’s not on that list, think twice before spending money. Likely, there’s a backstory for why a brand isn’t on the list.
We welcomed ZugoPet to the CPS Certified List for The Rocketeer Pack. Their viral video has proven this is a product that people obviously feel strongly about – one way or the other. Remember folks, just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s bad. As with the other CPS Certified brands they have completed ample due diligence to ensure the product is as safe as possible. We have brands lined up to start testing for certification in January, so we’re hopeful to add new names to this list in 2018.
And….for our team
Lastly, I’d like to send a special thank you to those folks who have worked so hard behind the scenes to help make CPS as successful as possible. Thank you for your patience and support – it’s been long year. And, to those organizations who have allowed me to spend time interviewing and training with you this year to prepare for upcoming projects, your support of our efforts will help us save even more lives. Thank you!
And…for my dogs
I promise to spend more time with you in 2018. My days run long – sometimes over 17 hours. You have no idea what joy you bring to my life – even if it’s just lying under my desk waiting for me to finish my day. I adore each of you – you are my little loves. I do this work in the memory of my Maggie, but keeping all of you safe is my first priority.
So, for this year, it’s a wrap! Looking forward to a busy 2018!
Happy New Year!
Lindsey A. Wolko, Founder, Center for Pet Safety
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